As a golfer, the single most powerful skill under your control is your - behavior. 

Effectively managing your behavior is essential to your success on the course - whether you're focused on your long, medium, or short game you need to master your thoughts, decisions, actions and habits to excel.   


The Connected Behavior Framework 

Scratch City helps golfers do that through using a model called - The Connected Behavior Framework (CBF).

The CBF organizes a golfer's - thoughts, decisions, actions, and habits - into a system that enhances their behavior and leads to lower scores and more fun on the course. 


The CBF - (Connected Behavior Framework) is comprised of five elements - 

1. Identity

2. Thoughts

3. Decisions

4. Actions

5. Habits

Each one of the elements is discussed below:



The CBF starts with helping you gain an understanding of your present and your desired future identities through the consideration of two questions - 

1 - Who kind of golfer am I? This question is meant to help you determine your current status as a golfer. Some possible answers could be - novice player, beginner, new golfer, hack, etc.

2 - What kind of golfer do I want to become? This question is meant to help you determine the type of golfer you desire to become. Some possible answers could be - low/mid handicapper, scratch golfer, average player, etc. 

Through considering these two questions, you'll realize that there is a gap between the golfer that you currently are and the golfer that you want to become.

In order to close the gap you’ll need to design, develop and execute specific mental and physical behaviors. 

The Four Behaviors

Once you've determined the gap between your present and desired future identities - use the behaviors described below in sequence to shift your present identity (e.g., high-handicapper) to your desired future identity (e.g., low handicapper)

1. Thoughts - these are the mental processes that involve the manipulation of information to form ideas, perceptions, memories, intentions, and reflections.

For example, if your desire is move from hi-handicapper (20+) to low handicapper (1) . Your dominant thought would be - How do I become a single digit handicapper? 

2. Decisions - these are the conclusions or judgments reached after consideration and in response to a thought that is presented as a problem, question, or situation. 

The decisions you would have to make to reach your goal of becoming a single digit handicapper include - how to practice, how often to practice, how long to practice, getting a coach, getting physically fit and more.  

3. Actionsthese are the observable and executed tasks resulting from your decisions and thoughts. 

The actions you'd have to take to become a single-digit handicapper might include - Developing a practice routine, selecting a coach, changing your diet, working out, and more. 

4. Habits - these are the small practices that are formed to support the execution of action(s). Habits are performed regularly (e.g., daily), and sometimes without conscious thought.

Some habits you would need to form to become a single-digit handicapper include - regular (daily) practice at the range or course, daily mobility workouts, weekly appointments with a mental performance coach, and more.



Using the CBF creates a consistent through-line where your mental behaviors (thoughts & decisions) are connected to your physical behaviors (actions & habits).

This connection creates a powerful alignment of behaviors that propel you to success. 

However, while the CBF is powerful - it’s not a quick fix - golf is a challenging game and the best players are patient and committed to using strong systems and tools to improve their games. 

If you're goal is to get better you need a system - the CBF could be the system that works for you.  

Ready to learn more, get in touch with us by completing the form below. 

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