by Mantel Featherson

Six Great Supplements for Golfers

One thing I've noticed in my time playing golf is how much more att...
Six Great Supplements for Golfers

One thing I've noticed in my time playing golf is how much more attention golfers are paying attention to their health and fitness. The conversations in the clubhouse used to be dominated by business and politics - it’s now moved towards body mass index, joint flexibility, and the best supplements for golfers.

The fitter golfer you are, the better your game is going to be.

In this article, I'll discuss the growing role of supplements in golfer performance and the best ones to enhance your game and overall fitness. 

I do want to be careful here - in my opinion, supplements have a role. However, they are not a complete answer. Looking after your general health is most important, however, the right supplements can provide significant benefits to your overall health and your performance both and off the course. 


1. Creatine 

A notable study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition highlighted the impact of creatine on golf performance. The research revealed that golfers taking creatine monohydrate for 30 days experienced a notable increase in their drive distance, averaging 19.6 yards farther than those in the placebo group. This finding underscores creatine's potential to significantly enhance golf performance.

Creatine, a well-researched and widely used supplement in sports, is an amino acid naturally produced in the body, primarily aiding in energy production within muscle cells. Its application to golf, often perceived as a less intense sport, is particularly beneficial due to the high-intensity nature of the golf swing, which relies on fast-twitch muscle fibers. The main advantages of creatine for golfers, include - 

  1. Boosts Energy Levels: By increasing the body's energy reserves, creatine enables golfers to execute more powerful and enduring swings.

  2. Enhances Golf Performance: Research indicates that creatine supplementation can enhance key elements of golf performance, including strength, power, and speed.

  3. Facilitates Recovery: It aids in reducing muscle damage and soreness, contributing to quicker recovery times, which is vital for consistent performance on the golf course.

  4. Ideal for High-Intensity Movements: The golf swing, an explosive and anaerobic movement, benefits significantly from creatine, which is known to improve performance in such high-intensity activities.

Incorporating creatine into a golfer's daily routine is simple, with a recommended dose of about 5 grams per day. However, it's always prudent to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, to ensure it aligns with individual health needs and conditions.

2. Protein

Protein plays a pivotal role in enhancing the physical capabilities of golfers, crucial for muscle building, repair, and overall athletic performance. Here's an overview of how protein benefits golfers:

  1. Muscle Recovery and Repair: Post-golf play, muscles often experience fatigue, heightening injury risk. Adequate protein consumption accelerates muscle recovery and repair, preparing you for subsequent golf sessions.

  2. Boosting Performance: Higher protein intake is linked to increased muscle strength, essential for a robust golf swing. Research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition underscores this, showing older golfers improving in swing power and driving distance with increased protein intake.

  3. Enhancing Satiety: Protein helps maintain satiety, an advantage for golfers needing sustained focus and energy during long rounds.

Incorporating protein into a golfer's diet is straightforward. The general recommendation for adults is about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. This intake might need an increase, especially if you engage in additional strength and fitness routines. For muscle mass gains, up to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight may be beneficial. Quality protein sources include lean meats, poultry, fish, dairy products, beans, and legumes. Golfers often supplement their diet with protein powders, like whey protein, for its rapid digestion and muscle recovery benefits.

It's important to tailor protein intake to individual needs, considering factors such as age, activity level, and overall health goals. For more personalized advice, consulting a nutritionist or dietitian is advisable.

 3. BCAA

BCAAs, short for branched-chain amino acids, are essential for athletes, including golfers, due to their significant role in muscle development and recuperation. These amino acids, comprising leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are fundamental in fostering muscle growth and repair, essential aspects for golfers aiming to enhance their game.

The primary benefits of BCAAs for golfers include:

  1. Energy Boost During Play: BCAAs are metabolized within muscles, providing a swift and effective energy source. This feature is particularly beneficial in golf, where maintaining energy and focus, especially during the latter half of the game or in multi-day tournaments, is crucial.

  2. Enhanced Recovery Post-Play: BCAAs, especially leucine, are instrumental in muscle protein synthesis, the process of muscle tissue repair and rebuilding. This aspect of BCAAs can accelerate recovery post-golf rounds or workouts, reducing injury risks and enabling quicker return to the course.

  3. Preservation of Muscle Mass: In high-intensity sports like golf, muscle tissue may be broken down for energy. BCAAs help in preserving muscle mass, ensuring strength and power retention during gameplay.

Golfers looking to elevate their energy levels, improve performance, and hasten recovery, incorporating BCAAs into their supplement regimen can be highly beneficial. This approach could be a game-changer for those aspiring to advance their golfing skills and endurance. 


4. Fish Oil

Fish oil, renowned for its overall health benefits, offers particular advantages for golfers. Here’s why incorporating fish oil into a golfer's supplement routine can be beneficial:

  1. Enhances Joint Health: The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are effective in reducing inflammation and supporting joint health. This is crucial for golfers, especially those over 50 or those experiencing joint pain due to their occupation or other factors. Regular golf play involves significant strain on the joints, and fish oil can help mitigate this.

  2. Boosts Endurance and Reduces Fatigue: Fish oil can play a role in improving endurance, which is essential for golfers who spend extended periods on the course. This helps in maintaining optimal performance throughout the game.

  3. Improves Cognitive Function: The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are known to enhance cognitive functions, including focus and concentration. This is particularly beneficial during intense rounds of golf, where mental sharpness is as important as physical skill.

  4. Supports Heart Health: Golf can be as mentally demanding as it is physical, and the heart health benefits of fish oil are significant. It promotes cardiovascular wellness, an important aspect for athletes in any sport.

    5. Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is a vital nutrient for golfers, contributing to strong bones, enhanced energy, and a positive mood, all crucial for optimal performance. Here’s why it's a key supplement for golfers:

    1. Strengthens Bone Health: Vital for calcium absorption, Vitamin D ensures strong bones. Given the repetitive motions in golf, maintaining bone health is essential to prevent injuries.

    2. Elevates Energy Levels: Deficiency in Vitamin D can result in fatigue. Supplementing with Vitamin D boosts energy, helping golfers maintain peak performance throughout their game.

    3. Improves Mood: Known for its mood-enhancing properties, Vitamin D can help alleviate symptoms of depression. A positive mindset is critical in sports, and Vitamin D contributes to maintaining focus and confidence on the course.

    4. Reduces Sickness Risk: Vitamin D plays a role in lowering the likelihood of infections, particularly vital for competitive golfers who travel frequently. Different environments and conditions can increase the risk of illness, which Vitamin D supplementation can help mitigate.

    5. Counteracts Sunscreen's Blocking Effects: While sunscreen protects against harmful UV rays, it also blocks Vitamin D synthesis from sunlight. Golfers, often exposed to the sun and using sunscreen, might not synthesize enough Vitamin D naturally, making supplementation important.

    For optimal benefits, golfers should consider a Vitamin D3 supplement, which is the most effective form of Vitamin D. A dosage of 1000-2000 IU is generally recommended, but it's always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.


    6. Multivitamins

    The typical diet of many individuals, including golfers, often lacks in essential vitamins and minerals due to poor dietary choices and decreasing nutrient density in foods. This shortfall can weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility to illness. For golfers, particularly those competing at high levels like the PGA or Korn Ferry tours, staying healthy is crucial as illness can significantly impact performance and opportunities. A comprehensive multivitamin and mineral supplement can be key in bridging these nutritional gaps.

    Specific vitamins and minerals are particularly beneficial for golfers:

    1. Vitamin B12: Crucial for energy metabolism, it aids in maintaining focus and mental clarity, which are essential on the golf course.

    2. Iron: Important for oxygen transportation in the body, iron plays a significant role in maintaining energy levels and overall endurance.

    3. Magnesium: Helps regulate muscle function and can support recovery after extensive physical activity like a golf round.

    4. Vitamin D: Vital for bone health, especially important in a sport that involves repetitive movements and physical stress.

    5. Zinc: Supports the immune system and plays a role in reducing inflammation, which can be beneficial in recovery and maintaining overall health.

    Golfers looking to enhance their performance and ensure their body is receiving all necessary nutrients, adding a high-quality multivitamin and mineral supplement to their regimen is a practical and beneficial strategy.

    This approach ensures that they can maintain optimal health and performance, especially in the context of competitive play where the stakes are high.